
by Steve
(Augusta, GA)

Miniature Schnauzer Dixie

Miniature Schnauzer Dixie

Dixie came to share my life 13 years ago. Rescued from a puppy breeder up North, she came to the warm climate of South Carolina to spend many years. She was the love of my life, shared my joys and sorrows and never asked for anything. She was somewhat timid, but could always manage a bark when she was defending me or our home. She got me through the hardest of times during the last seven years and just this last December she and I took in a foster dog who's owner had died. Dixie and I could not find a suitable home for this little chihuahua, so we ended up keeping him.

This spring, with Dixie's 16th birthday approaching, she felt it was time for her to leave. It was a heartbreaking thing to have to do, hoping that she would get better, but she knew she wouldn't and took her leave from us with great dignity knowing that I was in good hands with the new dog in the family, Luis.

Comments for Dixie

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May 05, 2014
Luis has gone on to take care of Dixie.
by: Anonymous

Now little Luis, the caretaker of Dixie, has gone on to be with her. Heartbreaking.

Apr 05, 2012
by: Lydia and David

We feel your pain .We lost 2 Saints and now have to mini Schnauzers,Abby and Angel.Our kids!!!!We love the time we have together and hope they will be with us forever.Just keep thinking and talking about Dixie and she will be with you always , if only in spirit!!

Apr 05, 2012
Filling the void
by: Anonymous

I share your pain and wish you all the best. There truly is nothing like a Schnauzer and if you are looking for one to help heal you The Schnauzer Love Rescue has plenty of adoptable pets that need wonderful forever homes such as yours. Please consider.

Mar 09, 2012
Reply to all my caring friends
by: Anonymous

Thank you all for your caring comments. Dixie left only three days ago and it still hurts so much. Luis is trying to fill the void, he got to go toy shopping last night at Petsmart............but there is nothing like a schnauzer to fill your life!!!!

Mar 09, 2012
by: earl & carolyn

we know how terribly hard it is to lose your dog;
we lost our good boy casper sept 2010;
a year later we rescued toby.....and as carolyn said"if casper could talk he would say'do for another what you did for me'

Mar 09, 2012
by: Anonymous

I'm sorry for your loss. Dixie had a great life with you and I am so glad you rescued her. She will never be far from your heart.

Mar 09, 2012
Tough to say goodbye.
by: Anonymous

It is tough to say goodbye to an olde friend, but much easier when another warm wiggly love is there to help. It hasn't been a year since we put our 11 year old Rott down (a rescue) and our little Schnauzer knew he had to step up. I"m sure Luis will too. Blessings to you both.

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