Danka II Checkn' In

by Danka II
(Gilmer, TX)

To-morrow's My 5 Month Birthday

To-morrow's My 5 Month Birthday

Hay it's me Danka II Again Checkn' With Everyone...... Jan. 11th. 2013 To-morrow is gonna’ be my 5 month birthday. Happy birthday to me. I wonder what Mom and Dad are planning for me. Something Greaaaaaaaaaaaat I’m sure. Dad says that when you’re a puppy, the first year you get a birthday special every month until you’re a year old and then it’s only once a year, bummer.

Mom’s off to Tyler for her cancer treatment (4 more to go). I sure hope God hears puppy prayers cuz I sure am praying real hard she beats this thing. Dad says it the kind of cancer that the “real Danka” had. I don’t know what to do so I kiss her a lot and snuggle with her all I can, I sure hope that helps.

I’m helping dad make chicken soup for mom for when she comes home. I pick up all the scraps and crumbs that dad drops on the floor by accident so mom doesn’t have a big mess to clean up later. It’s a tough job but some one’s got to do it.

To-day it’s sunny and about 70 degrees warm outside, not bad for January. Dad says up north where he and mom came from it is real cold and could have a lot of that cold stuff called snow. We had some on Christmas here and I didn’t like it. Sure glad I live here I think. Dad says it is not too bad if all you got to do is play in it and not have to work in it. I’m not sure I know what he means……What’s work? If it’s like lick'n up chicken scraps that’s not so hard.

Well it looks like dad need some help with his next job so I guess I’ll just close here and go help him. I love my dad and he loves me……. Danka II

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by: Emily

Hi again Danka I am sure God Hears your puppy prayers,i will add mine to yours for your Mommy.you know God spelled backwards is Dog.You keep helping Daddy,iam sure he loves you very much and loves your help.Happy Birthday to you.

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