
by Diana Chiew
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Miniature Schnauzer, My name is Christmas

Miniature Schnauzer, My name is Christmas

Christmas was given up for adoption by her ex-owner. She has been with us since December 2009. It was odd that her previous owner could not remember her date of birth. We were told that she's a year plus. The vet confirms that too.

Christmas loves to sleep in my bed. She loves to be near people and wants lots of cuddles. Her favorite toy is the squeaky ball and she loves to play fetch. She enjoys a good run in the park but she still throws up traveling in the car.

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by: Anonymous

I've always loved your name and those of your little girls. You do Rule!


Nellie, Calvert, Bailey and Yuchie (Chi in Schnauzer Training)

Throw up in car solution
by: Sharon

Hi There:
I have 5 minis, two of which did throw up in the car.
Now only one. About 20 minutes to 30 minutes before going for the car ride, give Christmas some ginger. I use the candied ginger in a bit of food, they won't even taste the powdered stuff.
They don't throw up and it does not make them sleepy like the Serena or gravol does. And Dee Dee does not thow up without the ginger now, once she get used to riding without being sick, they seem to get over it. It tood Dee 3 years, but Molly is only a year and a half, Hope it helps Christmas have a great car ride experience

Lucky girl
by: Brenda

She could be my mini Bruno's baby sister. The platinum ones are so beautiful.
She sure looks happy.

Thank you, Sharon
by: Diana Chiew

Hi Sharon, thank you for your tip on the candied ginger. I'll give it a try.

Throwing up in the car?
by: Sharon

to the owners of Christmas, I have had a couple of dogs that get car sick, one that was a Schnauzer one that was a German Shephard. I managed to get both of them over it, by NOT using drugs.
Just before you take her in the car, let her have a little bit of ginger, my schnauzer Dee Dee would not take the powdered ginger, so I gave her the candied ginger. She loved it. It took several months, but both of them finally got so that could ride in the car with out the ginger.
I used to carry it in the glove compartment.
Get it a try, it may work for Christmas, and won't make her sleep like gravol does. Ask your vet, if you have doubts.

Not remembering birthdate? Could she have come from a puppy mill, if so, I'm so happy you have her now. She's so cute!

Thank You
by: Diana Chiew

Thanks for the tips, Corky & The Sassy 7 Pack.

Happiness Overload
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

What an adorable happy looking little girl.

Just a little information. I give my car sick dog a gingerbread cookie before leaving the house, and give her another one in an hour or two while traveling. Frequent stops also helps a lot.

Love & Licks,
Corky & The Sassy 7 Pack

by: Schanuzer-tude!

Hello beautiful little girl... You're a winner no matter what!

Belly rubs for you and those babies of yours.

Nellie & Calvert

Schnauzer Christmas
by: beth

Your Schnauzer makes me smile. Sure looks like a happy dog!

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