Charlie - The best schnauzer around!

by Ann Grubbs
(Winston Salem, NC)

Charlie on the porch

Charlie on the porch

This is our mini-schnauzer Charlie. He is 4 and a half and such a joy in our lives.

He has the funniest habit of picking up one of his (many) toys and carrying it around in his mouth like a pacifier. If he does that and starts to whine at the same time, it is time to play! He will play fetch until your arm feels like it's going to fall off!

Charlie is also the best cuddler around. Ever since he was a puppy, he has loved to crawl into your lap and have you rub his belly, back or ears. When we went to pick him out, he kept crawling into my husband's lap while his seven brothers and sisters were running around! My husband always says that our dear departed Cody (our last schnauzer) was pushing Charlie into his lap from heaven.

Charlie is also very tender-hearted. If you raise your voice, or if another dog runs up to him and starts barking, he will get a look the most hurt look on his sweet face!

We recently took a trip to Arizona from North Carolina. We decided that we were not going to take the trip without Charlie, so we drove! We were not going to be separated from our boy for any length of time!

Charlie has never met anyone that he does not like; both human and canine. He wants to be everybody's friend.

Comments for Charlie - The best schnauzer around!

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How Cute!
by: Jessica G

Aww what a sweet story! Charlie is too cute! =)

Your Charlie :)
by: Loretta

He is a real cutie! We have our little guy just over a year and he brings us so much happiness. I love him to pieces. I also believe that schnauzer's are very special in many more ways than any other pooch!

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