
by earl l. forman,II

Miniature Schnauzer Casper

Miniature Schnauzer Casper

"Casper" was a white miniature schnauzer-rescued from an amish puppy mill; he was approximately 6 1/2 years old when we found him at a rescue facility called: "my young & old fur babies" in woodsfield,ohio in 2005;

we were told no one was interested in him once they learned his age; well,we were! we took him home & began introducing him to love, attention, exercise (he didn't know how to go up stairs when we first got him) & good nutrition - as well as daily grooming - with regular professional grooming;

he was quietly & lovingly put to sleep in sept.2010 after his heart valves failed; he was tired & told us it was time to say goodbye;

he was the best dog i have ever had....the tears in my eyes make it hard to keep typing....i miss my good boy everyday; but, he is at peace now.. and ended up in a good home with two people who will always love him;

earl & carolyn forman

Comments for Casper

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May 06, 2022
by: Anonymous

Penny was a sweet white mini schnauzer. I lost her this week May 3, 2022. Penny was eleven years old. She also had a heart murmur.I was so grateful she was at home and died in my arms. I loved her so much and truly miss her. She was so special to me.

Casper looked so much like Penny. This site has given me so much pleasure and comfort to see how much everyone loved their sweet doggies.

Sep 19, 2021
White Schnauzer
by: Valerie

Hi there,
I too have a White Schnauzer baby. He is coming up on his 2nd. Birthday. He is such a blessing and has brought me many laughs. I'd be lost without out him. I have had 3 Schnauzers had have loved them all. My first 2 lived to be 13 and 14 and had to be put down due to really tough health conditions, I think of them every day. My thoughts to you all!!

May 20, 2020
My Lexy
by: Yolanda

Omg my Lexy looks just like Casper. What a precious schnauzer. Lexy’s personality sounds just like Casper. We had to put our sweet Lexy down on Nov. of 2018 and I still miss and cry for my sweet schnauzer. It makes me happy to know there are people like you, who would take such a sweet doggie and give him a loving home. Casper was blessed to be part of your life. They have both crossed the rainbow bridge and are now together.😊

Mar 14, 2019
My jake
by: Steven

Omg my jake looks so much like your Casper I have pics wish I could send to you but this site doesn’t let me so sorry you had to put Casper to sleep my jake is 10 now and is doing great but a small heart murmur. Truly steven

Feb 26, 2019
by: Julia Crain

We also had a white miniature Schnauzer named Casper! Best dog we’ve ever had!!! Casper was almost 15 years old when he was called home about a week ago now. The pain remains and I don’t imagine it will ever go away entirely. We all miss him so very, very much!!!!! He had the sweetest disposition, was our protector and our rock, all in one. He was the peacemaker of his pack and loved everyone! He was an extremely strong and muscular White Schnauzer...extra handsome! Casper will forever live in our hearts ♥️ ♥️♥️♥️!!!!!

May 22, 2018
Siiri, our white dog
by: Anonymous

Hi guys,

We have a white miniature schnauzer, too. Her name is Siiri. She's about 12 months old. She's originally from Hungary. She's from a puppy mill, too. We got her when she was about 5 months old. She was really afraid of everything in the beginning. She was really afraid of tall men especially, and cars. Nowadays she is a lot braver. She loves to be with us. She always wants to be with us. She's becoming her true self little by little. We want to believe that she will have a happy life although her first months in Hungary were not happy at all. Thank you very much for sharing your story.

Kind regrads,

Heli Hollari (Mrs.)
Antti Kivimäki (Mr.)

Oct 07, 2017
by: Anonymous

Casper looks just like my dog Henry! Everyone I've showed the picture to thought it was him. Would love to find another one like him.

Sep 10, 2017
by: Anonymous

We just laid down our Fletcher, they look identicle, we miss him very much. Thanks for sharing!!

Jan 11, 2016
my precut baby
by: Donna Stowers

Max was a gift to us because he was blind in his left eye,We had to promise to get him spayed which was fine was the most gentle so and he was my soul mate Two as ago we found he had diabetes, then cushings,finally cataracts on his good eye which we had removed but he still did not regain his sight almost two and a half years after all these problems hello my best friend to lymphoma cancer my heart is broken I miss him so much he died on Friday the 8th January and I am still crying he was white as snow and I love him so much

Dec 03, 2015
I had 5 month ago a dog exactly like Casper
by: victor

My boy Andy had 9 years old when I put him to sleep 5 months ago (7-6 2015). He was very sick, He was exactly like Casper, he was very smart, affectionate. My days are not the same without your presence. I want to have another like him, but I think I should wait longer, Andy was my little, only people who have gone through the pain know what I'm talking about.
That's my short story. I want to let you know that you are not the only ones suffering from the loss of a member of the family.
i am a Cuban guy Victor from Miami , Florida

Nov 18, 2015
Delightful Schauzers
by: Joan Jones

This is not a memorial story tho I did lose my "soul mate" a couple of years ago. She died in my arms & it broke my heart. But I cherish what time I had with her & am glad I was able to give her (a stray) a good life.

My white schnauzer, Jackson, is the spitting image of your Casper. Jackson came to live with me when his owner died & he has added so much joy to my world. Everyone who meets Jackson falls in love with him.

You are wonderful people to have opened your home & hearts to Casper. Bless you.

Nov 04, 2015
by: Gary

My best friend died in my arms last Tuesday. He was my soulmate for 10 wonderful years. I did everything I could to save him but I couldn't. He looked so much like Casper. I took him everywhere I went. He was so smart I couldn't believe how smart he was. My life has a big empty hole without him. Zoey (his little sister) is in mourning too. We have to move on together but it is very hard. His fur was so white that when Christmas came around he always wore his Santa Dog outfit. He was such a handsome schnauzer our friend painted him and won first place in the local county fair art contest. I wish I could post his picture here so you could see him. Gosh I really miss him and know your pain.

Oct 03, 2015
In memory of Our Raja
by: Anonymous

Our Raja left us this past Sunday. He had congestive heart failure that manifested I the end of June. He overcame a bad attack of fluid on the lungs and I was to bring him home on my birthday this past Momday, but he evidently had a clot pass which disabled his left side. We loved on him for about an hour and then said goodbye. He was the most awesome dog who would crawl on our chest and lay like a baby. He brought great comfort to my husband who has many health issues. We are broken and his 6 year old female playmate is grieving not only for him but also for our 17 yr old male, Dude , who passed July 23. Our house is very sad and we so want to find Trudy another playmate. I don't want to lose her to grief. She won't eat.

Apr 25, 2015
Are little Bisket
by: An 11 year old girl

I have a white schnauzer that is 2 1/2 years old that I love but the story is heartbreaking to read. It sounds a lot like my two dog Odey and Fritts I had them since the day they were born. I miss them very much and I hope you will recover from your loss.

Apr 25, 2015
Are little Bisket
by: An 11 year old girl

I have a white schnauzer that is 2 1/2 years old that I love but the story is heartbreaking to read. It sounds a lot like my two dog Odey and Fritts I had them since the day they were born. I miss them very much and I hope you will recover from your loss.

Feb 23, 2015
by: Anonymous

thank you for your very kind words about my good boy,Casper;
i'm sure your Casper will be a sweet and loving dog;
best of luck;

R.I.P. my good boy Casper
my Casper would be happy that you have a Casper too;

Feb 23, 2015
Sweet Mini Schnauzer
by: Anonymous

Hello, just by chance I saw this webpage and I was touched by Casper's story. I just got a puppy 7 weeks ago: a mini white schnauzer and we named him Casper. I hope our Casper will be as sweet as yours.

Jan 10, 2015
by: Anonymous

first of all,thank you for your service to this country;
i am sure your Lacey is every bit as beautiful & wonderful as my good boy Casper was;
the whites are very special mini's; we have Oliver now(who is also a white) and another rescue;his story is also here on schnauzer's - rule;
my wife and i thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your ever so kind comments;
best of luck to you & Lacey;

i always like to close with the will rogers quote:
"if dogs don't go to heaven,when i die i want to
go to where the dogs go"

Jan 10, 2015
I am soo sorry
by: Anonymous

We have a miniature white schnauzer named Lacey who we got when I came home from Iraq and Casper looks just like her. I had to endure 9 operations from that war and Lacey was always there for me. She is the best dog I have ever had and she is 11 years old now. Thank you for sharing Casper's story with us. I do not know how people can be cruel and mean to animals. I find that Animals can be better than people.

Dec 11, 2014
o sorry
by: karolyn-wooster-ohio

Was so surprised to see woods field Ohio was where u got u'r dog my husband's family is fro all around there e have two whit schnauzers an no one at first thought they were pure jasper's 9 an baby Bella 4 we found our Bella in Berlin Ohio it was an Amish man but he was kind an old to his animals an they were all well loved but it is hard to hear of them being just trash an dumped u have a big heart an like u said he will be there for ever we lost one 4 years a go he was 19 my some was just 10 when we got han him it was s hard on my son he grew up with rascelan he was black an silver but my jasper was his companion for 4 years an it made him happy I a sorry for u'r lost an know no matter how long it will will be sad to think of how his life was before u ave him all that love

Nov 20, 2014
by: Lisa Chaput

My little Roxie went to be with the Lord in 2009, I felt she was robbed of her life she was only 6, but my husband reminded me of what she done the day she was hit by our neighbor, she saved the little boy across the street from getting hit. She was a true Angel.. We had get cremated. Since then my husband and I have rescued 3 schnauzers from puppy mills, totally amazing dogs, loyal, loving. Since 2009 we had Tj, Ginger and Lola. Tj went to heaven heart failed, Ginger also with cancer, but they lived the remainder of there life with us spoiled rotten. We still have Lola and she had 1 litter of puppies so now we have momma and two pups Lola, Beau and Tymmy and they are a handful but they are my babies and bed hogs and spoiled rotten.. Big schnauzer fan

Oct 19, 2014
by: earl

thank you for the kind words about casper;he was a great dog;
we now have another little white we rescued in april 2014,named oliver,i think he's on this site also;
i hope your little lady is doing just fine;since she's
a descendant of casper how can she miss =)

Oct 19, 2014
by: earl

thank you for the kind words about casper;he was a great dog;
we now have another little white we rescued in april 2014,named oliver,i think he's on this site also;
i hope your little lady is doing just fine;since she's
a descendant of casper how can she miss =)

Oct 19, 2014
by: Anonymous

So sorry to hear about your Casper, they truly are like our children. He does live on though. I purchased a white female 4 yrs ago in Ohio and her pedigree says Casper was her Great grandfather. She is an absolute princess and she knows it! She brings us so much joy.

Mar 24, 2014
by: Anonymous

Our Lucy looks exactly like Casper. She is a white mini Schnauzer and we rescued her at the end of 2012. She was then between 3 and 5 years old.

Mar 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

thank you for your very kind comments ;i know casper will be just great!

Mar 17, 2014
by: Roz

We just lost our little Eddie Haskill - he was a salt and pepper and the funniest, sassisest most independent little rascal of any of the schnauzers we've ever had. We just adp[ted a white schnauzer through the local schnauzer rescue (Eddie was a rescue, too) and thought he must be a cross with another breed because we'd never seen a white one before. He won't be here until after he gets "snipped" this week, but we can hardly wait to bring him home. I think Casper is the absolute perfect name! We were going to call him Mac (he looked like Malcolm McDowell in the online picture, but now I know he's a perfect Casper! My heart goes out to you. We miss Eddie so much, and know that while no beloved dog can be replaced, that schnauzers each have their own whimsical personalities.

Feb 12, 2014
by: Anonymous

i am so sorry for your loss;we know the depth of its pain;but the beautiful memories last forever;

thank you for the kindest of words about my good boy casper R.I.P. casper,look out for bandit;

Feb 11, 2014
by: Gloria c/o BanditI

My heart know of your grief. Bandit looks like Casper's Identical twin. His soul was released on 2/6/14. He was 'TOP SCHNAUZER'. He was three months old and received as a gift from my son. My son is missing him,as well. Bandit and Casper are far from dead. They were, before they became, and returned PURPOSE. They and countless other souls are waiting and missing you and I more. We are grateful for their devotion, protection, dependence, and an understanding soul. At this moment, crying and typing go hand in hand. Visit Phyllis Johnson on facebook. The timeline has memoirs of Bandit.

Dec 30, 2013
by: Anonymous

thank you all who have written;it means so much,i know i cannot express it adequately;

Dec 30, 2013
Love our Schnauzer Shorty & Bow.
by: Anonymous

I know how hard that it must have been for you. My white schnauzer looked exactly like Casper! We just reciently lost our Shorty on Christmas Day (12-25-13). ;(

Jul 10, 2013
Our Beautiful White Schnauzer
by: Pastor

Casper is beautful. She lived a long life. About 16 years? We justed adopted Princess. She is our beautiful White Schnauzer. We are told she is 9 or 10 years old. I grew up around Boxers and Schnauzers. Princess is so lovely. I realize she may only have a fews more years left, but at least they will be ones filled with love.

Jul 08, 2013
Best dogs!
by: Vicky

I just put down my dear white Schnauzer named Cookie. She was a rescue dog and the best dog ever! She was my companion of 12 years and it pained me to put her down but just as painful was seeing her health deteriorate rapidly. I am heart broken to have lost such a beauty of a dog but also such a smart friend! She quickly learned commands in both English & Spanish! White Schnauzers are great all-around!

Jan 20, 2013
Moby and Casper
by: Anonymous

I know how how hard that that must have been for you. My white schnauzer looks exactly like Casper! And if I lost my Moby. I would be torn apart.

Jun 04, 2012
Thank you
by: Diana

You responded to the loss of my wonderful Schatze, on May 10. I did go to your site for Casper and it made me cry for you and smile at your memories.

I know how the loss makes us feel and I share those feelings with you. These spirits are so special, one cannot imagine life without them. I have to hope that they are watching out over us after they are gone and waiting for us to join them.

My thoughts are with you. May your memories help you through the pain.

Apr 09, 2012
by: Joe

Casper looks exactly like my Xena who we recently lost, she was almost 14. Seeing Casper and reading about casper made me smile.

Nov 04, 2011
Casper Photo
by: Schnauzers Rule

Earl, I am so glad you found a photo of Casper to share with us. What a beautiful boy. I know you miss him terribly and my thoughts and prayers are with you and Carolyn everyday.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal but
Love leaves memories no one can steal.

May wonderful memories of Casper bring you peace and comfort.

Schnauzers Rule

Jun 01, 2011
ebenezer's mom
by: Anonymous

the reading of the poem brought great comfort-i sincerely appreciate your kindness;
my good boy casper will always be in my heart-
there are time, when the fall leaves rustle & blow in the wind ,i can almost hear him calling...

Jun 01, 2011
by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

My heart goes out to you in your loss of a beloved friend and pet.

A Parting Prayer (by Brandy Duckworth 1998)

Dear Lord, please open your gates
and call St. Francis
to come escort this beloved companion
across the Rainbow Bridge.

Assign him to a place of honor,
for he has been a faithful servant
and has always done his best to please me.

Bless the hands that send him to you,
for they are doing so in love and compassion,
freeing him from pain and suffering.

Grant me the strength not to dwell on my loss.
Help me remember the details of his life
with the love he has shown me.
And grant me the courage to honor him
by sharing those memories with others.

Let him remember me as well
and let him know that I will always love him.
And when it's my time to pass over into your paradise,
please allow him to accompany those
who will bring me home.

Thank you, Lord,
for the gift of his companionship
and for the time we've had together.

And thank you, Lord,
for granting me the strength
to give him to you now.

May 31, 2011
thank you
by: earl & carolyn forman

thank you for the kind means so the strangest way it's like visiting with casper for the briefest of moments;

May 31, 2011
So sorry
by: Anna K

First of all, how wonderful of you to rescue him and he had such a wonderful life with you and was loved. I am so sorry for your loss, I lost my Gus a year ago to cancer at age 7 and it is so hard to bear that loss. They are not with us nearly long enough--mainly because they all ready know how to love and care so much more than humans. Thank God that he entrusted into your care one of his wonderful creatures and treasure the memories! Hugs,

Anna, Max and Penny

May 30, 2011
by: Lucy's Mom

It sounds like your Casper was one lucky little schnauzer to have had his last years with you!
I know it hurts so much now but be comforted to know that it will get better as the days go by, I lost my Lucy a year ago in April and we thought we would never get through it, but we welcomed another schnauzer in our home named Miley and she has helped so much to fill the void of losing our Lucy.

May 30, 2011
posting pictures
by: earl & carolyn forman

firstly, i cannot express the wonderful feeling all of you have "put pen to paper" concerning my good boy "casper";
thank you all from the bottom of my heart;
he was so special to me that words to express simply fail me;

as for posting pictures i i've yet to learn how one actually does that-it's not for lack of pictures however, two of my wife in the house and about one gazillion of my good boy;

as soon as i learn i'll be sure to do it =)

a written rendition will serfice for now:

about 14lbs,white as snow, correct height for the king of dogs breed, docked tail & cropped ears,
and strutted his stuff like a champion, whenever we took a walk-
it was not always so-when we rescued him (although
well treated by the rescuer) he was overgrown in hair-and didn't know the dog bed was for him-so he laid on the bare vinyl flooring until my wife showed him it was for him;tender loving care,good diet& grooming rendered the above appearance;my wife always said he knew he was pretty;
thank you all who wrote to me;earl

May 30, 2011
by: Fred

I know your grief and pain. I lost Charley this December, just before Christmas. My heart still aches for him, but he is also at peace. I rescued him late in his life. Nobody knew his age. His first vet visit told the story. It was a week after I brought him home. The vet looked at his teeth and told me that he was 10 and that I had a chance to take him back to the shelter. I fought back tears and told the vet that I don't believe you throw someone away because they are old or sick and that he was mine as long as God would let me care fo him.

It has been a few months and when I am walking my dogs or sometimes when it is quiet, I somehow think I hear him or see him in the corner of my eye. God bless you and Casper.

Fred, Charley (at the Bridge), Fritz and Biscuit

May 30, 2011
For an Angel
by: Schnauzers Rule

May you find peace and comfort in loving memories of Casper.

We would love to post a picture of Casper, if you have one. If you tried to upload a photo and had trouble, please contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.

With heartfelt condolences,
Schnauzers Rule

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