Best Dog Ever

by Shirley Bates
(Whitehouse, Texas)

Mini Schnauzer Skylar

Mini Schnauzer Skylar

Meet Skylar. She is a 3 year old salt and pepper mini schnauzer. She has her papers and all, but that's not important to us. She truly is our bearded baby.

When our nest became empty and our Grandchildren moved across town, we decided we needed a lap-dog to love. We live in Northeast Texas and drove to Georgia to pick her up when a friend of ours needed to give her away. Skylar was 2 years old and had already had 3 litters of puppies. So we had her spayed as soon as she got comfortable in our home, so now she can be the baby.

Boy does she ever liked to be loved. She goes from baby to protector to hunter in seconds. She loves to play and has a favorite holey sock.

Skylar almost never barks, I suppose somebody must have scolded her for making noise, but she is getting better about barking when someone is at the door. She learned everything she needed to learn about us and our home very fast. Our home will probably always have a Schnauzer from now on. They really are the best dogs ever.

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Truly, The Best Dogs, Ever!
by: Doug Stewart

My wife and I have owned many different breeds over the years, mostly purebred, but a few mixed breeds. We adopted our first Miniature Schnauzer in 2006 from an in-law who was a casual breeder of AKC-registerable pups. The pup was a black and silver male and we AKC-named him "Rockenstein von Eisenherz", which, in literal German means "Rockenstein from Ironheart", or in colloquial German, "Rockenstein the Valiant" or ". . . the Brave". (I grew up bi-lingual in German, so I wanted an authentic German name for our little furry German.) The long name aside, we just called him Rocky or Rock. He was, by far, the best dog we ever had. Smart, alert, loving, sympathetic, consoling, playful, and every other positive adjective you may think of. Unfortunately, his life ended in late October 2019 when he was almost 14 years old – his kidneys failed, and the vet hospital couldn’t get them working again no matter what they tried, so we put him to sleep before the really serious pain and seizures started. We still, and always will, miss him immensely. We couldn’t even think of getting another dog right away, but we knew that when we did, it would be another Miniature Schnauzer.

God has given my wife of 51 years and me an Earthly mission to be caretakers, humans and/or animals, and we provide the best care as needed. But we needed time to heal after Rocky’s passing.

Fast forward to early 2021 and we were finally ready for another critter. We did a lot of research and located a family breeder through a mutual friend. Pups would be available in early May, so we completed the application paperwork and made a deposit. What’s very interesting is that our new pup had been promised to two other buyers, but the deal fell through in both cases. I suppose it was just meant to be (and a gift from God) that the new salt and pepper male puppy would be part of our family. We drove the 180 miles to pick up our new furry kiddo on May 2, 2021. In keeping with my German heritage, we AKC officially named him "Rudolph von Himmel II" (No, NOT like the Rudolph in the Christmas song. Rudolph is an ancient German name that became popular in the 1200s when Rudolph I of the House of Habsburg ascended to the throne of Germany.). Rudolph’s name translates to "Rudolph from Heaven", which we believe is appropriate since he is certainly a gift from Heaven. We just call him Rudy or Rude. He shares very many of the same traits and behaviors as Rocky, but he also has his own personality. As of August 2021, training is going well – Rudy will be a fine (finer) dog when he reaches adulthood. We love him dearly.

To those wondering if they should get a Miniature Schnauzer, I would say that if you can devote the time to work with, discipline, and train them, then YES, go for it!

We love our Puppies don't we
by: Gerald Stevens

My wife and I lost our beloved Danka last April.She was 15, blind and had cancer, and I think "doggie Alzheimer" She left a big hole in my heart. Like you, another East Texas resident we found another Danka. She is a puppy born to mother that was rescued from a puppy-mill. The gal, who uses our vet heard we were looking for a puppy got a hold of us and said she was looking for good homes for the pups her lady Schnauzer had,free but it had to be a good home..... how about that for luck? we now have baby Danka II. She is 8 weeks old and a live wire bundle of joy. We think that ma-ma was bred as a "Toy" because she was smaller than AKC standard but we couldn't have registered her anyway. We also have an 11 year old mini-Schnauzer named Shayna. We now have our Danka/Shayna again and that's whats important. I think God gave us her because we sent the original to him.

We love you Skyler
by: Libby Evans

Thank you so much for sending this to me,it means alot to know that she is loved so much as she was with us,the people who had before me were not very good to her as they used her to make money,we bred her with our baby and got 5 beautiful puppies,which we have two with us nowthey are our children and we love them very much.Iamso happy that we found you to love her and take care of her,we did not sell her babies as they are with friends that love them as we do.Thank you so much.

Libby Evans

best dog
by: Anonymous

i thank god for people like yourselves;
spay & nueter(sp?) the way to go for all except
the most legitimate of breeders ,who are trying to preserve & improve the mini's;

"best" is a great dog!

what a face!
by: Loretta

She is such a pretty little baby!. I too have a little love bug, so I can totally relate. Our family has always had schnauzers - since even before I was born (I am 45 years old). They truly are the best dogs ever!

by: Emily

She is really pretty.

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